What inspires you?

>> Thursday, January 6, 2011

This morning as I am trying to continue to get the mind of God, I find myself still drained inspirationally.  Yes, I guess I am being very transparent, but I imagine there are several out there who feel the same way from time to time.  I know God is always with us, and He knows what we need and when we need it, but there are times it seems there is nothing clicking.  I remember being told by a professor, “boys, sometimes you will feel there is nothing and yet you know there is a sermon in all of these scriptures.”  I guess this is one of those times.  Of course is seems these type of times have come frequently lately, but I do know that God is always with us and will not forsake us. 

Starting out the New Year often leads us to rehashing what was successful or unsuccessful from the previous year.  I am looking at a portion of scripture in Mal 3, which this portion pops out at me.  Mal 3:7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?  Notice the portion saying, “Return unto me, and I will return unto you.”  Digging into the word return, for all you Hebrew scholars (I am definitely not one)  is shuwb,  pronounced shoob.  It conveys the idea of going back, but not necessarily to the beginning.

How many times do we do something and make a mistake and feel like we need to start all over?  I believe this idea refers to going back to where the mistake was instead of starting all over.  If a runner falls down during a race, do they start at the beginning again?  No, they pick right back up where they fell.  I challenge myself, along with each of us to go back into last year, or even further than that, and “Return” to where we once were spiritually, if need be.  I am asking God for leadership in my life, and my families life.  As a family, we are refocusing on family devotions, I am personally digging deeper spiritually, and I am focusing on what God wants, not what I think other people would have me do.  Well so much for this post…this is just some random thoughts and rants I guess.  Ha.  I pray that everyone has a great day, week, and year.  May God’s will be done in 2011.

God Bless,

Pastor James Powell
Following God’s leading