Looking Back

>> Saturday, December 29, 2007

Here we are again, at the end of another year. If we all would be honest, we would probably say, "There have been triumphs along with failures". God has blessed my household greatly this year. The older I get, the more I become aware of how much we rely upon each other, and much more upon God.
My heart if full of praise to my God and Savior for all He has allowed to come my way in 2007. Pastoring a wonderful church brings such great blessings when you see fruits for your labors, but even if there are no evident fruits, I know there will be a harvest time. In J. Stowell's book, Perilous Pursuits, he reminds us that everything we do is for God and when we fail, it is due to us wanting to be significant and having the wrong motives, instead of everything we do being for God's Kingdom.
As I end 2007 and approach 2008, I want to strive to build His Kingdom and minimize what I want.

Let's make 2008 an outstanding year of LIVING ALL OUT FOR GOD!

Blessings on all of you!

From the Hills of WV,

J. Powell