Huckabee For President

>> Friday, December 7, 2007

I would like to introduce you to Mike Huckabee. After watching the Value Voters Debate in Ft. Lauderdale, and then in Washington D.C. I have truely decided, this is where my vote is going. I have been encouraging every Bible believing Christian to take a serious look at Mr. Huckabee. Pray for the 2008 presidential elections, and vote your beliefs.

Vote 2008,

From the Hills of WV,

Rev. James Powell


Haveavoice December 7, 2007 at 11:40:00 AM EST  

Value Voters as in "Hate is not a family value?" I renounced christianity (small caps deliberate)this past summer. Divorces are skyrocketing and you guys claim you have a corner on family? You deny basic rights to whole groups of people because they don't agree with you? And I fought for those rights in Vietnam?

No more Republicans, no thanks. We need a good strong liberal to undo 8 years of damages done to this country and to the world. 8 years of idiocy. Enough.

Pastor Powell December 8, 2007 at 12:15:00 AM EST  

I am sorry for the anger that seems to be coming through your comment. You have totally missed the mark when you state "Hate" It is not hate, it is concern for the way American is going. When the family crumbles, so goes the country. I do want to thank you for serving this great country. I would gladly fight for you to disagree. That is what has made America so great. FREEDOM