Money and Media

>> Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This is Super Tueday as all the political junkies call it. Please allow me to rant and get some frustration off my chest.
I am really wondering what the American people are thinking of the biased media coverage of this political season. It seems that the media are the ones who select who they want, then they report only what they think seems to be needed to pass on. Then the one that has the money to run the ads and smear their face all over the place is the one that gets the coverage. How about limiting the amount of money each candidate can spend and then see who is the best at managing their campain and getting their message across.

The last political debate in California for both Democrat and Republican was a sham and a waste of money. For the Republicans, it was the Romney & McCain show, the moderators really played to them...but remember, the media isn't supposed to be biased "According to their words" then the Democrat debate was a major kissup between Obama and Clinton. I thought these debates were for the voter, so they can see what issues each candidate stands for and how they react to each question. I would suggest for future reference, have the same moderator, the same questions and give each candidate the same amount of time. Then we would see what party and candidate is closest to how we as voters agree with.

Still glad to live in the land of the FREE

J. Powell